Mengel Natural History Society 2024-2025
Berks County, Pennsylvania
.Updated January 29, 2025.
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The Society meets at Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center,
on PA-625 2 miles south of PA-724. (3025 New Holland Road, Reading, PA.)


   February 28, 2024  Friday 7:30 PM         An IN-PERSON meeting.
"Local Science Students Symposium" Sponsored by Nolde Forest EE Center and Mengel Natural History Society." Three programs by local students showing how their research investigations have added to our knowledge of nature.
Cheyenne Friscia, Kutztown U student, will present "The influence of feather mite load on body condition of four North American songbirds."
Christina Walko, Alvernia U student, will present "Investigating the Local Environment for Novel Antibiotics: An Application of the Tiny Earth Project."
Rowan Rice, Conrad Weiser HS student, will present "Juglans nigra and Castanea mollissima Endocarps as Media in Filters for Microplastic Polluted Stream Water."
^-- Electron microscope photograph by Cheyenne Friscia. Right click on photo to see detail.
All welcome. Free.

NOTICE! This meeting will be held in-person in
McConnell Hall at Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center.


The Mengel Natural History Society originated as the Natural History Hikers in the 1930's, was renamed the Mengel Natural History Society in 1941, and incorporated as a non profit organization in 1956.

The By-Laws state: "The purposes of the Society are the stimulation of interest and study in natural history in all its branches, the promotion and diffusion of scientific knowledge, and the creation of the scientific spirit."

*  Monthly Meetings with Lecture
*  Field Trips for Wildflowers, Butterflies, Dragonflies, etc.
*  Annual Wildflower Exchange and give-away and annual
*  Wildflower Seed give-away.
*  Show & Tell plus Members’ Night for your participation
*  A place to meet other people interested in the natural world 

The Society meets once a month from September though April at Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center, on PA-625 2 miles south of PA-724. (2910 New Holland Road, Reading, PA.) Usually on the fourth Friday of the month. In November we meet jointly with the Berks Mineralogical Society (on the second Tuesday) and in December we meet jointly with the Baird Ornithological Club (on the second Friday). In May we meet at a local restaurant for a dinner meeting. Joint meetings may be held at another location. We also sponsor field trips.

The public is welcome at any of the activities. All lectures and field trips are free.

If you are interested in joining the Society, you may pay dues at any meeting or mail them in. 
Dues year is September to September,  Download dues form (2024-2025) as PDF

Active Member  $10   Family Membership $15  Sustaining Member $15  Junior Member  $5

The "Programs and Field Trips" brochure for 2024-2025 is available in PDF format
at: Mengel Brochure 2024-25.        
(Updated: October 1, 2024. Dec meeting will be in-person not Zoom.)
The landscape formatted two page brochure can be printed two sided with 'short-edge' binding or printed one side at a time.
Butterfly, Moth, Dragonfly, and Wildflower Walks in Berks County, Pennsylvania - 2025.   (Updated: September 23, 2024)

(Programs & Field Trips) - 2024-2025
For information: 484-883-6461

   September 27, 2024    Friday 7:30 PM   
"Odonata of Berks County Part 1: Dragonflies"
by member Todd Underwood, Biology Professor at Kutztown University. Todd Underwood's presentation will provide an update on the number of species of Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) recorded in Berks County. He will discuss the original county-wide survey by local naturalists and explore the 60 species of dragonflies in Berks County by sharing his recent photographs and observations. Todd will also give a tour and show some of the animal collections.
Lecture is followed by our annual Fall Wildflower Exchange and Giveaway. All welcome. Free.
Photograph by Todd Underwood

Members and those on our email list will receive details of the Zoom meeting number, registration, etc.
You may request a Zoom invitation by contacting (berks Omit space.

Directions to Boehm Science Center:
Take Kutztown Rd (which is Main St in town) to campus. Turn NW on Schaeffer Lane (a one-way street) at the traffic light opposite Old Main. Continue on Schaefer Lane to a "T" in the road and stop sign - Boehm Science Center is directly ahead. Turn left onto North Campus drive and proceed to parking lot B1. Enter Boehm at the middle entrance (to the left when facing the greenhouses from the parking lot) and proceed to room 262 on the second floor.

  October 25, 2024       Friday 7:30 PM     An IN-PERSON meeting.
"Genes in the Jungle - Observing DNA in the Amazon Rainforest" by Alex Kabrich, Environmental Science Student, and Jamie Becker, Assist. Prof. of Biology, Alvernia University. Observations are the foundation of natural history, but what about organisms too small or cryptic to identify by eye? What if there was a way to observe these organisms and others in an area long after they've moved on? Learn how life leaves invisible tracks in the form of environmental DNA and how molecular naturalists are using this universal language of life to study organisms in the Peruvian Amazon. Program followed by the Fall Seed Exchange and Give-away.

  November 12, 2024        Tuesday 7:30 PM     An IN-PERSON meeting.
This program will be held at the Reading Public Museum
"Recent Discoveries of Fossils, Minerals and Other Natural Wonders in Southeastern Pennsylvania".  Presented by local freelance paleontologist and avid naturalist Michael Szajna. Mike will report on his most recent research and collaborations in the study of Late Triassic fossils. Along the way he has documented a few new mineral sites and photographed many natural wonders including mushrooms, slime molds, lichens and a special favorite, caterpillars. He will bring a slab of shale from SE PA with dinosaur footprints. If you or your children have never touched a 200 million year old fossil, this is your opportunity. Joint meeting with the Berks Mineralogical Society at their meeting location and day of the week. Enter at the back of the Museum on South Parkside Drive.

  December 13, 2024    IN PERSON  (Zoom was incorrect.)       Friday 7:30 PM.
"Southern Africa: Birds and Wildlife" by members Peter & Jane Wolfe. An incredible, exciting photo odyssey to the countries of South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana, with Cape Town, the Zambezi River, Chobe & Hwange National Parks featured. Joint meeting with the Baird Ornithological Club on their meeting night.
^-- Photograph by Peter Wolfe.

   January 24, 2025    Friday 7:30 PM         An IN-PERSON meeting.
"Members' Night" Members' opportunity to present.
Mengel vice president Peter Wolfe will present "Termites in Africa".
Member Mike Slater will Present "A brief look at a few well camouflaged insects and herps of Namaqualand, Northern Cape, South Africa".
Mengel secretary Karl Gardner will present "A Butterfly Gynandromorph from Pennsylvania".
^-- Photograph by Peter Wolfe.

   February 28, 2024  Friday 7:30 PM         An IN-PERSON meeting.
"Local Science Students Symposium" Sponsored by Nolde Forest EE Center and Mengel Natural History Society." Three programs by local students showing how their research investigations have added to our knowledge of nature.
Cheyenne Friscia, Kutztown U student, will present "The influence of feather mite load on body condition of four North American songbirds."
Christina Walko, Alvernia U student, will present "Investigating the Local Environment for Novel Antibiotics: An Application of the Tiny Earth Project."
Rowan Rice, Conrad Weiser HS student, will present "Juglans nigra and Castanea mollissima Endocarps as Media in Filters for Microplastic Polluted Stream Water."
^-- Electron microscope photograph by Cheyenne Friscia.Friscia. Right click on photo to see detail.

   Some time in late February or March.
Herp Helper Night for Spotted Salamanders at French Creek State Park.

Contact Lori Soraparu () to get on e-mail contact list. See a few or dozens of spotted and four-toed salamanders, wood frogs and other herps. This event happens every year. You and your children should see it at least once in your lifetime. Volunteers must check in at the French Creek State Park Headquarter lobby (located on Park Road, 843 Park Rd, Elverson, PA 19520) to sign in, pick up a reflective safety vest and a data collection sheet. You are welcome to participate even if it is for just a portion of the evening. Emergence is weather dependent. Often a windy or foggy night, always rainy. More information.

  March 28, 2025               Friday 7:30 PM      An IN-PERSON meeting.
"Some Native Bee Stories" by member Mike Slater. He will share some of the fascinating details in the life histories  of native Pennsylvania bees. He will also include the ongoing story of his rescue of the Eastern Chimney Bee (Anthophora abrupta) colony from the I-78 bridge construction at Hamburg PA.
All welcome. Free.
Photograph by Mike Slater

 April 25, 2025    Friday 7:30 PM       An IN-PERSON meeting.
"Creating Backyard Wildlife Habitats" by by Katie Fisk. Habitats offer wildlife the food, water, shelter, and space that they need in order to survive. Environmental educator and wildlife biologist Katie Fisk will show you how to add each of these elements to your living space. Lecture is followed by our annual Spring Wildflower Exchange and Giveaway.
All welcome. Free.

   April 26, 2025                Saturday 10:00 AM      FIELD TRIP
"Butterfly, Bird, and Botany Walk" on Neversink Mountain. Butterflies, birds and plants. We will view at a distance and for a good look we will capture some butterflies and put them in viewing jars so you can get a close look before releasing them. A checklist of the 59 species of butterflies known from the mountain will be provided. Meet at S. 10th and South Street Reading. Park on South Street. Joint walk with  Baird Ornithological Club . Leaders: Karl Gardner, 610-987-3281, and Ryan Woolwine 484-883-6461. All welcome. Free.
Photograph is of a Brown Elfin, a scarce spring flying butterfly found in only a few Berks Co. locations.

May ?, 2025                 
Annual Dinner. "What Science Says About Old-Growth Forests & Why It Matters For Birds." by Joan Maloof PhD, Old-Growth Forest Network, Easton, MD founder. Date, time and location to be announced. Joint meeting with the Baird Ornithological Club.

   June 7, 2025    Saturday 10 AM    FIELD TRIP
"Butterfly Identification Walk" at Green Hills Preserve We will view at a distance and for a good look we will capture some butterflies and put them in viewing jars so you can get a close look before releasing them. A checklist of the 40 species of butterflies known from the park will be provided. Take PA-10 south to PA-568. Turn right (west) for 1/2 mile to Gunhart Rd. Turn right. Park on right in about 1/4 mile. (553 Gunhart Rd., Mohnton, PA 19540) Joint walk with Baird Ornithological Club. Leaders: Karl Gardner 610-987-3281 and Ryan Woolwine 484-883-6461. Bad weather will cancel (or reschedule). All welcome. Children friendly. Free.

   June 14, 2025                       Saturday 10 AM - noon FIELD TRIP
"Dragonflies & Damselflies at Hay Creek-Birdsboro Reservoir"  Joint walk with Baird Ornithological Club
An opportunity to visit this interesting habitat with others who can identify the dragonflies, damselflies, and other insects, animals, and plants found here. Meet at Old 82 & Parking Area, 2000 Hay Creek Rd, Birdsboro, PA. From traffic light at Rtes. 568 and 724 in Gibraltar, take 568 west approximately 1.5 miles and turn left on White Bear Rd. Drive 4 miles through 2 stop signs and turn left on Hay Creek Rd. Drive to the dead end and park on the shoulder. Coordinators: Mike Slater (, Todd Underwood ( & Karl Gardner (610-987-3281). Binoculars and a camera will be helpful. For a good look we will capture some insects and put them in viewing jars so you can get a close look before releasing them. All are welcome. Children Friendly. Free.

July 12, 2025           Saturday 8:30 PM  to  ?  FIELD TRIP 
"Moth Night at Nolde Environmental Edu Center."  A joint event with the Baird Ornithological Club.   Jim Eckert will present an introductory program in McConnell Hall at 8:30 pm. Enjoy the moths, katydids and other nighttime invertebrate as leaders bait trees and hang sheets to bring in the night insects.

A camera would be helpful. Who knows what will turn up?  Meet at picnic area behind main parking lot. Use main entrance from PA-625 and turn left at "T". Leaders are Jim Eckert (610-373-1064) and Ryan Woolwine (484-883-6461). All are welcome. Children Friendly. Free.
Here are photographs of 29 of the many species seen on this walk in July 2021.

   July 19, 2025    Saturday 10 AM - Noon     FIELD TRIP
"Wildflowers and Pollinators: Union Meadows West" A meandering path through this former ball field converted to a pollinator meadow provides good access for observing and netting a variety of species. Route 724 (East Main St., Birdsboro) (turn opposite St. Michael's Cemetery) parking in the ball field lot. Leader: Mike Slater. Coordinator: Linda Ingram (610-621-7473). Joint walk with Baird Ornithological Club. All are welcome. Children Friendly. Free. Bad weather will cancel (or reschedule).

   August 2, 2025        Saturday 10 AM FIELD TRIP
"Butterfly Identification Walk" at Blue Marsh. We will view at a distance and for a good look we will capture some butterflies and put them in viewing jars so you can get a close look before releasing them. A checklist of the 48 species of butterflies known from the park will be provided. Meet at the Blue Marsh Visitor's Center off of Palisades Drive. Joint walk with Baird Ornithological Club. Leaders: Karl Gardner 610-987-3281 and Ryan Woolwine 484-883-6461. All welcome. Free. Photograph is of a Hackberry Emperor, a species often seen at this location in August.

   August 16, 2025    Saturday 10 AM    FIELD TRIP
"Butterfly Identification Walk" at Angelica Park. We will view at a distance and for a good look we will capture some butterflies and put them in viewing jars so you can get a close look before releasing them. A checklist of the 37 species of butterflies known from the park will be provided. Take PA-10 south from Lancaster Avenue 1-1/4 miles. The park entrance road is on the right at the big masonry sign for Alvernia University. Turn right and park at the first parking area on the right. (575 St. Bernardine Street) Joint walk with Baird Ornithological Club. Leaders: Karl Gardner 610-987-3281 and Ryan Woolwine 484-883-6461. Bad weather will cancel (or reschedule). All welcome. Free. Report:
Here is a list of the 37 species seen on 6 walks from 2017 to 2023 at Angelica Park.

To receive email notices of programs and field trips sponsored by the Mengel Natural History Society send an email request to

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